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Largest tiramisù in the world on display in Italy

PIOVE DI SACCO in northern Italy was recently in the limelight when they achieved the goal of getting into the Guinness Book of records with the largest tiramisù in the world. The ingredients included 39 thousand biscuits, 175 kilos of mascarpone, 350 pounds of sugar, 30 pounds of cocoa and 300 pounds of powdered eggs.

The local shopping mall “Piazzagrande” enters for the fourth time in the Guinness World records with the world’s largest tiramisu: in the central gallery judge Lucia Sinigagliesi come directly from London, has certified the record: 1,285 pounds of soft and delicious tiramisu made by confectioners of the Ipersimply supermarket under the supervision and quality control of the prison bakery Giotto in Padua. The record was snatched from the previous French winners from city of Lyon in southern France.

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